Great new kit for older kitcars from Better Car Lighting is this Easy-Fit Kit to flash all indicators in an accident or hard emergency stop situation.

This simple kit will work on any car with conventional or LED bulbs and on cars with or without hazard warning lights fitted. If the car experiences a hard impact or very hard braking it will flash the indicators all-round to make the situation highly visible to other road users. It also draws attention to the situation if someone hits your car while it is parked.

This easy fit kit requires just to components to mount and three connections to make to install. When the emergency has passed, just press the large red button on the cap and the system resets itself.

Simple instructions are included and it retails at just £71.99 inc VAT and is covered by a money-back guarantee and a five-year warranty. More details from 0121 773 7000 or ENDS.