For a decade or more, car lighting companies have been having to cope with LED dash lighting bulbs that either could not be dimmed or which required a new and special dimmer to cope.

For all of that time, companies large and small have been trying to develop LED bulbs that will work with the original car dimmer switches, and it has been too difficult or too expensive, or both.

Now, after an intensive development programme, Better Car Lighting of Warwickshire is very proud to announce that they can now supply the world’s first dimmable LED upgrade for the ubiquitous Lucas 987 bulbs.

They will work with the original car dash rheostat to allow the driver to select the level of brightness to suit him (or her). They are available in both positive and negative earth and in warm white, ivory white, green, or ice blue.
A pack of eight costs £59.97 inc VAT and they come with a five-year guarantee.

For more details contact Gil Keane 0121 773 7000 or ENDS.