News this week that one of the most talented men to ever design a kitcar, Jeremy Phillips of Sylva Autokits has finally gone and done it. He’s retired selling the company to David MacBean.

Jeremy has been designing and producing a superb line-up of kitcars since 1982 and iconic models such as Striker, Fury, Stylus, Phoenix, Leader and Riot have all come from his pencil. Every Sylva I’ve ever driven has been a total delight. The man has a knack for creating, clever, wheel-at-each-corner cars that put a smile on your face.
David MacBean has been around kitcars for many years and has built several including a T&J Locust, a Striker and a GTM Libra. Indeed, he was the first customer to fit a K-V6 engine.
David has moved production of J15/Vectis to his workshop at Mallory Park and has slightly re-named the company, Sylva Sportscars and will officially be open for business from May 1, and will be exhibiting at the National Kit Car Motor Show at Stoneleigh that weekend.
David is fully aware of the pedigree of the marque and looks forward to his new venture and of course, Jeremy will be but a phone call away, if help or advice is needed.

We wish the new operation the very best and it goes without saying that we’ll be running a feature on the new Sylva as soon as we are able while of course, you can expect a tribute to Jeremy Phillips article in TKC MAG very soon.
Thanks for the memories and above all else the FANTASTIC cars Jeremy…now go and get that dinghy sea-worthy!
More from www.sylvasportscars.co.uk ENDS.