If you are looking for a cooling system for your project, replacement parts or an upgrade, then those masters of such equipment, Castle Combe-based Merlin Motorsport can surely help. They have more widgets, pipes and hoses than you can shake a crooked stick at.

To go with your hoses they have a large range of aluminium hose joiners and they can make joiners beaded to your own specified length. They can also bend certain types of aluminium tube to your specification, while another option for hose joiners is their pre-made, highly polished joiners made from T6 grade Aluminium, suitable for welding and beaded at both ends.

Other items available from Merlin includes aluminium hose Reducers, hose Adapters, hose T Pieces and Blanking plugs.

They are also equipped with a state of the art Ercolina tube bending machine and formers for 1in, 1 1/8in, 1¼in, 1½in and 1¾in O/D diameter tube, plus they can bend both aluminium and steel tube and rollcage hoops made from CDS tube.

The radius of the bend is fixed by the former and these are set out in the Merlin Catalogue (page 71) while they also bend and bead water pipes. The machine does have limitations, if it’s not capable of producing exactly what you want an alternative is to use pieces joined with silicone hose or sections welded together. Give them a call to discuss your options 01249 782 101.

More information from ENDS.