Powdercoating is one of the most economical, colour-durable and longest-lasting finishes available. Powdercoated surfaces are far more resistant to chipping, scratches, fading and wear than other finishes and the colour selection is virtually unlimited: high and low gloss, metallic and clear finishes are available.

Also, thanks to the UV resistance of many of the powders, colours stay bright and vibrant for longer. Texture selections range from smooth surfaces to a wrinkled or matte finish plus rough textures designed for hiding surface imperfections.

The Dual Voltage HotCoat Powder Coating Gun kit from Moss Europe has two settings – one for tight spots and one for complete coverage of large areas.

Moss reckons that the gun is one of the best powdercoating kits on the market today, although, being American, you will need a transformer to step down the voltage from 240v to 120v. You will also need a 5-10psi compressed air source and dedicated electric oven (a toaster oven will be fine).

The kit includes a dual-voltage power supply, activation switch, ground clamp and cable, and an empty 8oz bottle. The powders contain no environmentally harmful solvents and overspray is simply swept up.

The Dual-Voltage HotCoat Powder Coating Gun Kit retails at £147.94 and is available as part number 012-171 from all Moss branches, who can also supply powders and disposable dust masks.

For more details contact Moss Europe Ltd, on 0208 867 2000 or www.moss-europe.co.uk ENDS.