Really impressed with the result of Dave Jones latest labours, the GTE, which although not a replica has more than a few tips of the hat to a 288 GTO.

The car is a body conversion based around a Toyota MR2 Mk2 (1989-2000) and any model of that breed can be used for GTE purposes. Dave’s demo car features a Woodsport Toyota (3-VZ) 3-litre V6 conversion, which is a popular transplant in MR2 circles, these days.

As with all Dave’s kits, the package will provide you with everything you need to convert your MR2 with the 33-piece GRP kit if top quality and priced at £6950, which means that a typical DIY build should be do-able from around £16,000.

More on this little peach very soon. In the meantime, visit or call 07855 549 112 ENDS.