
Merlin Motorsport was frustrated at not being able to find a quick and easy method to adjust anti-roll bars on their own racing cars. They searched the market for a universal solution to this problem but found nothing. So they produced their own red anodised quick and easy solution to adjust roll bar clamp position.

ANTI ROLL SLIDE CLAMPS are priced from £13.99 inc VAT – 5/16 hole for the drop-link spherical bearing to suit 25mm, 22mm, 19mm, 16mm and 13mm O.D. anti-roll bars.

They also stock other hardware needed to fit an anti-roll bar including roll-bar blocks and mounting plates. Go to their website section – ANTI ROLL BAR COMPONENTS.

The drop-links are normally made from Rod Ends and aluminium rod drilled and tapped to take the rod ends. They stock both Hex & Round Aluminium Bar and if you have problems drilling and tapping the bar they can do this for you in their onsite workshop.

More information from ENDS.