news_webconWith Electronic Fuel Injection more or less replacing carburettors it’s no surprise that Webcon – one of the world’s leading names in carburation – should be launching the next generation in throttle bodies.

Their Alpha throttle bodies have been designed and developed by Webcon’s experienced induction engineers to satisfy the needs of the discerning performance throttle body user.

Alpha throttle bodies have been proven in all levels of motorsport, from amateur trackdays to the cut-and-thrust of professional touring car series. They offer superb quality at amazingly affordable prices. Those prices are all the more incredible when you consider that each throttle body has been hand-assembled by experienced Webcon engineers and 100 per cent flow-tested during the manufacturing process and as well as prior to delivery.

Quality and reliability come as standard: there are fully sealed roller bearings for ultimate reliability and top quality, European made, throttle position sensors instead of the cheaper, Chinese made, versions. Alpha throttle bodies are highly versatile. They are compatible with almost all twin DCOE style manifolds and are able to accept both conventional Pintle injectors as well as the newer Pico style.

Alpha throttle bodies are priced as follows:
9990120400 45mm Slave body £286.44 inc VAT
9990120700 45mm TPS body £330 inc VAT

Available directly from Webcon and their dealers around the world with more info from 01932 787 100 or ENDS.